Tuesday, November 11, 2008


3rd March 2006, definitely one of the most memorable days of my life.
I got ready and boarded the college bus. Abhijeet, Shruti, Snigdha and Vybhav were absent. Somebody told me all of them had missed the bus. Something wasn't right.

At college, on Mahima maam's permission, I attended the ccp class with the electronics(B) students. She taught I/O functions, by the way. The rest of the day at college was pretty normal. Something was definitely not right.

On the way back, we played Dumb charades in the bus. When I was getting off the bus, everybody casually yelled, “Have a nice day!”.
I got home and it was unusually clean. Hmm. I was a little disappointed by the lack of surprise and excitement that day. It was a big day for me after all. You don't turn 18 everyday.
Suddenly the door bell rang. My sister got up to open the door.
And to my immense delight and pleasure I found my friends standing there with huge smiles on thier faces. Ashrith, Abhijeet, Amruta, Prabhav, Shruthi, Snigdha, Swathi and Vybhav! And they had a huge cake with them!! I was completely startled and baffled by their arrival. I was literally gawking at them saying, “Wha...? Hi... How? Wow.. This is awesome...”
We had an excellent time and I had a perfect 18th birthday!
Thanks guys.
PS. Abhijeet, Shruti, Snigdha and Vybhav were missing from the bus because they had gone to to Arvind's house early in the morning to celebrate his birthday which happens to be on the same day, 3rd March!

1 comment:

Ariensnig said...

gal!!!! am so glad u had a gud day tat day!!!

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